Day 14

Day 14 of Jai Jagat we heard from a member of Sahariya community, Lakshmi shared her struggle of fighting for land rights. She shared how the forest officials take their harvest and land.
We also witnessed Rajaji sharing the dire need to stop violence on earth by changing our lifestyles and stop using plastic.
Inside stories
We shared cloth pads with women marchers sponsored by Eco-femme. *Shobha didi loved the idea of these sustainable cloth pads, she said, ” I’m really happy to know about this. I’ll share with all my friends and relatives, Also knowing stitching, I can make more of these myself. This can be a great source of livelihood for a lot of women. ”
Personal experiences and learning
Ben taught me a stretching exercise for the lower back. It was magically healing.
My conversation with Mikael was awakening and lighting. I got to know that one can use mind as a tool to move towards heart-feeling loving.