12 Days Of Action

Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign

“The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed” 

  • M.K. Gandhi

We need to ask ourselves:

What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity?  

Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates:

  • Civil society
  • Grassroots movements 
  • Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations
  • Academicians, among others

Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for:

  1. Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; 
  2. A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and 
  3. Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics.
  4. Valuing local production (swadeshi).

The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace. 

The 12-Day of Action:

The 12 DAYS OF ACTION campaign is an opportunity to converge and promote the idea of SARVODAYA (India)- BUEN VIVIR (Latin America)– UBUNTU (Africa), as a way of living and coexisting with nature and human society on the basis of equity, sustainability and nonviolence.

Our response to the main interrelated themes that have emerged from this campaign include:

Peace & Justice In Nepal there will be online discussions on Peace.In Italy, the antimilitarist movement will lead some actions and discussions against nuclear weapons.In México, people are advocating for a society with peace and justice in the path towards peoples’ autonomy. 
Climate  Large groups of people, mainly in Europe and North America, are organizing to demand climate justice. Young people are demanding to #UPROOT THE SYSTEM (Fridays for Future). To uproot the unequal and violent system. An international community promoting a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty.Marches and mobilizations planned in Canada, USA, France, UK,  to learn from local initiatives on agroecology programs, and people based economies. 
Land & Defenders of territories In South Asia, including Nepal, Philippines and India, there will be larger mobilizations and discussions on this cause.Who protects them from the constant attacks, repression and persecution by large corporations and governments? During these campaigns we will hear and advocate on the testimonies from Latin America, South Asia and Europe,. 
Food Security & Biodiversity People in Latin America, Europe, and Africa are promoting community gardens to grow food, exchange it, and connect people. 
Water For 12 days, we expect to learn about some of the struggles of these communities, and to have small groups sharing their local and sustainable projects.
Forced Migration In France and Italy, people working with refugees will share their experiences on the challenges of creating a sustainable and safe space for them to grow food and to get organized.. 


Local groups that are part of the Jai Jagat Campaign are undertaking many ground-level actions over the 12 days. Their actions are determined by local issues and will be given priority in our communication. 

For groups and individuals participating in the 12-day campaign, you may follow any of these daily nonviolent actions towards realizing a transition economy. 

On any day, take a photo/video of your action and/or share your testimony to jaijagatinternational@gmail.com

DAY 1- September 21- Peace Day – #FastforPeace

Fasting means giving up something in the spirit of others not having enough. On UN Peace-Day,  friends from around the globe can express their solidarity with others by fasting. 

DAY2- September 22- Boycott fossil fuel generated automobiles – #CarFreeDay

Halting the production and consumption of fossil fuels is essential for saving the planet. A large portion of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions comes from automobiles. Let us boycott the use of all fossil fuel transportation for one day by walking, biking, and taking electric vehicles. This is another step towards a transition economy. 

Day 3- September 23 — Constructive work by tree planting – #PlantATree 

Take up constructive work on climate mitigation by planting a tree. As a symbolic act, people reinforce the importance of the relationship between people and the ecosystem.  

Day 4- September 24- Struggle for Climate Policy Change –  #StrikeforClimateJustice

Join the struggle led by youth around the world by mobilizing your friends and community to demand policy change and make our political representatives accountable to follow through on existing targets of carbon emissions. 

Day 5- September 25- #ShareAMeal

There is enough for everyone’s needs but not for everyone’s greed. Let us find ways to share a meal with people that have little food security. 

Day 6- September 26- Non-cooperation of goods that are made by multinational companies – #ConsumeLocal  

Finding ways to non-cooperate by not buying any goods or products that come from multinational companies. This day is dedicated to consuming only from the neighbourhood, from small-scale local producers such as those producing goods by hand or through small enterprises/cooperatives/home based industries. If possible, get to know the producers in your locality. You might become inspired!

Day 7- September 27 – Community gardens and Ensuring clean neighbourhoods – #cleancommunity and #plantlocalgardens

In the spirit of community work, planting a community garden, cleaning the neighbourhood, or removing litter from ponds, river banks, parks or school grounds sends a message of valuing our neighbourhood. Children, youth, adults and seniors can all participate.

Day 8- September 28- #CleanWaterSources
Water pollution in rivers, lakes and lagoons alter our ecosystems and cause biodiversity loss and multiple diseases for animals and humans. While we continue to push for policies where polluters must pay, finding ways to clean water sources of refuse, reoxidize ponds, introduce fish stock, clean up water banks, demonstrate the human need for fresh water.Day 9- September 29- #WeAreWater 

Day 9 -September 29 – Linking children’s education with indigenous practices of water #WaterIsLife
Connecting children’s education with Indigenous communities and traditional knowledge for protecting, helps children understand that water is not simply a commodity to be managed and consumed, but it is essential as human life. This is demonstrated by water spiriters in the indigenous communities. Linking with those practices helps children to see water as sacred to human and natural life.

Day 10- September 30- #MigrantTestimony #NoMoreWalls #LetsHearFromMigrants #LetsHereFromRefugees

Putting ourselves in the shoes of refugees. People fleeing from hunger, catastrophe or political conflicts is age-old. Lifting refugees can lift a whole society. Let us hear from refugee families, their experiences, so we can share their plight and not see it as a threat but a way to become more humane. 

Day 11- October  1: Charting a Way Forward to COP 26 and Beyond #OntheMoveforANonviolentEconomy


Day 12- October  2- International Day of Nonviolence #OntheMoveforANonviolentEconomy
Take up a physical or virtual march to show that transiting to a nonviolent economy is possible. 

Record a video or send a picture with the pledge: “I am willing to work on a transition towards a nonviolent economy”.